Why Your Digital Marketing Plan Needs to Include Video Content
I have said it more than once… but here it is again…
At no other point in history, has the average business owner needed to be as camera ready as they need to be today! Successful social media marketing means having a strong online presence.
Even thinking back 20-40 years ago, pre-internet boom, small business owners operated primarily as brick-and-mortar shops, and fewer marketing channels were required. It was a big deal if a local business decided to take out a full-page ad in a newspaper or did a radio spot. A television commercial was an indication that you had “made it big” and were in a position to seriously invest in your marketing.
Nowadays, almost every business has a social media account. For many, social media is a main source of advertising, because it is seemingly free and has big potential for exposure.
Unfortunately, it also means that small business owners need to understand how to best use social media platforms, in addition to the typical skills required to run their business. Creating social media posts every week requires time and effort.
It can feel overwhelming!
I see many businesses and entrepreneurs look at this challenge and choose simply to create social media posts with pictures and generic graphics to “get the job done”.
However, I am here to tell you today that as a small business owner, you need to go one step further, have a strong social media strategy and show yourself in your content too! These online platforms can be amazing marketing tools, but the important thing to remember is that how we use these tools determines the quality of our results.
Here are my top 5 reasons you MUST embrace being in front of the camera…
Brand Recognition & Brand Identity
At the root of any good marketing strategy is to create Brand Awareness for your consumer base. When you are a small business, typically, YOU are your brand! For service-based businesses especially, you are selling the experience that your potential customer is going to have with YOU. Being present in your videos and pictures gives them a glimpse of what their experience will be. No matter how amazing your graphics are, the interaction they are thinking about paying for is the one with you as a person.
At the root of any good marketing strategy is to create Brand Awareness for your consumer base. When you are a small business, typically, YOU are your brand! For service-based businesses especially, you are selling the experience that your potential customer is going to have with YOU. Being present in your videos and pictures gives them a glimpse of what their experience will be. No matter how amazing your graphics are, the interaction they are thinking about paying for is the one with you as a person.
Nurturing a relationship with your audience
This is one of my favourite topics and I plan on creating a full post on this topic later. For now, what you need to know is that people buy from those they LIKE, KNOW, and TRUST.
Like, Know and Trust is created through showing empathy, authenticity, and logic (i.e. demonstrating that you can do what you say you are going to do). So how do you build that with social media content? By showing up in videos as yourself; Speaking about your business with authority, passion, and enthusiasm!
During the pandemic, I sat in on a workshop talking about how to engage on zoom calls effectively and professionally. One of the big takeaways was that when you turn off your screen during a zoom call, others on the call perceive that you are hiding something. Just think about it… It is so true! And it most definitely applies to social media and digital marketing as well. When you are not in your photos or videos, customers wonder what you are hiding.
Now, at this point I am guessing that you are saying to yourself “but if they only understood how awkward I was on camera” or “if they only knew how I felt about my body/appearance”. Here is the hard truth – most customers don’t care about those things. Those are your hang-ups, not theirs! They simply want to know that there is a real person that they can relate to behind the business!
Going from 2D to 3D
Video is beautifully unforgiving! Let me explain why. The physical movement in with video shows our viewers those subtle nuances that make us… US! In many cases video gives our viewers the first chance to hear our voice, the inflections in our speech, and even the chance to perceive our “sarcasm”, which doesn’t always translate into written copy. It is in all of these little things that we become relatable to our potential customers and creates a stronger online presence!
Eye contact = Connection with our Social Networks
When we create video content where we are speaking directly into the camera, it is like we are looking our viewers directly in the eye, without actually having to be present with them. Looking into someone’s eyes shows honesty and attentiveness, and intimacy, all of which are key when it comes to building trust. So, even without being physically in front of your potential customers, you are showing them that you are trustworthy and a good listener, both qualities that will help sell your services.
The rule of 7 (or something close to that)
The rule of seven is an old marketing rule and it suggests that the general public must be exposed to something a minimum of seven times before they buy it. The number 7 may have been a number arbitrarily chosen and may not fit exactly into the metrics we use today. However, we do know that customers need several touchpoints with your business before they make a purchase. A great way to create more points of contact and touchpoints for your customers is by creating several different pieces of content for social media, especially video content with you in it.
In fact, short-form video is also a great way to showcase the “behind-the-scenes” of your business. These types of videos can help highlight the quality of your work, the team members behind your product, as well as a high level of customer service your business offers.
After working with many small businesses and entrepreneurs, I know that most do not enjoy being on camera. They started their business because they enjoyed their line of work, not because they wanted to become a social media influencer. Their business goals, and therefore social media goals, are more centered around showcasing their products and services to their target market, getting more website traffic, and making sales. I think social media channels are a great place to get in front of the right people, but it must include different types of content.
The best part is that as you get more comfortable with video, the opportunities to use video content expand – creating video-based Facebook ads, creating vlogs for TikTok or Reels, or doing an interactive live video on your Facebook Page – there are lots of creative ways to use video in your social media marketing strategy and connect with your target audience on all of your social platforms.
We live in a digital world and consumer behavior means more and more are making purchases as a result of social media advertising and organic content. My goal is to help others find the confidence and a sense of mastery with being on camera so that they can create killer content easily and attract profitable leads.
So what is the first step? The good news is that it can be as simple as saying “hello”! Grab your phone and record a quick 15-second video introducing you and your business. Then, post it! I will guarantee you will be pleased by the response it gets. Remember, video content is great content!
If you are interested in learning or ready to get started making video content part of your marketing plans, check out my Accelerate Your Marketing Coaching Package.